Article Archive
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Conservative fundamental churches confessed the Scriptures to be infallible in the past, meaning they cannot fail. That word has been replaced with inerrant or 'without error,' yet this conveys the sad unspoken amendment of 'without error in the original manuscripts.'
Ken Ham's book, Already Gone, reports that a high percentage of youth raised in a Christian environment - such as those who regularly attended their church, Sunday school, and enrolled in a Christian school - depart from the faith when they take their first biology class in college.
A ministry we support through our annual Thank offering is the Christian Law Association (CLA), where Dr. David Gibbs, Jr. and other attorneys labor on behalf of our church and many others. They provide free legal services unique to Christian churches. CLA was helpful to us this year with timely legal guidelines concerning vaccine exemptions.
Berean Bible Church (BBC) has had a wonderful year establishing itself as a functional church and enjoying sweet fellowship since July 2020. With the guidance and financial support of Mission Bible Church, we have set up some of our primary needs. A foundational step was to register the church with the state of West Virginia.
It was a happy day when the heavy load of drywall sheets arrived in the driveway. Truck tires bulging, over 105 sheets of drywall began making their way inside the skeleton-like stick structure on the backs of two large "drywall hanger" guys. Hooray!