
Lucy or Lucifer?

By Bro. Vince Kluth
One of the most persuasive arguments for evolution comes from the iconic apes-to-man parade. If it is real history, then Genesis chapters 1-2 are wrong.

One of the most persuasive arguments for evolution comes from the iconic apes-to-man parade.  If it is real history, then Genesis chapters 1-2 are wrong.[1] Gary Parker of Institute for Creation Research (ICR) reveals this impact when children are “lined up row upon row, mouths open, and eyes agog, as they look up at a museum's hairy half-man, club in hand, and listen to their group leader repeat: ‘Four million years ago, a few ape-like animals began to walk upright, taking the first faltering steps toward becoming human beings. Time, chance, and the struggle for survival continued shaping us. Along the way, social groups became the key to survival, and the human family evolved.’

“So goes the lecture, often replete with compounded speculation and sexually explicit detail, and always with the subliminal soft-sell, ‘science is salvation.’ Our children are told this ‘old, old story’ over and over again in children's science magazines, high school science textbooks, [children’s] cartoons, talk shows, news specials and documentaries, and, of course, in museum after museum. Sometimes they hear the words ‘perhaps’, ‘theory’ or ‘may have been,’ but the whole thrust of constant repetition by ‘experts in the field’ appears designed to overwhelm our young people into believing that evolution is a fact.”

“But what are the facts? Tragically, the facts are virtually inaccessible to most students. Museums rarely point out which parts of their displays are real, and which are reconstructions and artistic imagination. Truth be told, the missing links between man and apes … are still missing.” [2]


Let’s expose some inconvenient truths about Lucy, one of the characters in evolution’s parade. ICR’s Frank Sherwin discloses “the premier and most popular purported evolutionary relative of man is Australopithecus afarensis, or southern ape of Afar—better known as Lucy. Several hundred pieces of fossilized bone were discovered in east Africa by paleoanthropologist Donald Johanson and graduate student Tom Gray in 1974.  Many people are not aware of the subjectivity involved with piecing together the fragments; for instance, the sacrum and [regions of the hip bone] are shattered into numerous small fragments, making the original form difficult to reconstruct.  Not only do these bone pieces have no dates on them, but no one can be absolutely sure they are even from the same individual. The pieces fit where the biased researcher would like them to go. Whatever fragments are missing must be filled in with plaster of Paris and imagination.”

“Anatomical evidence shows the creature was ape-like with a non-human gait.  She knuckle-walked and climbed trees. Her mandible (jaw) was V-shaped like an ape, not a human U-shape.  Despite displays of Lucy at [various] museums as having human feet and hands, in reality she had short, curved toe and finger bones, unlike humans.  Lucy had a locking hand joint and a stiff wrist, like a chimpanzee.  Her brain case is the same size as a common chimp and has a conical-shaped rib cage as all apes do. … The pelvis indicates Lucy was likely a male.  It would perhaps be better to change the trivial name to Lucifer.” [3]

 Quit monkeying around.[4] God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them.


[1] Brian Thomas, Apr.2020, How Do Hominids Fit With The Bible?, ICR

[2] Gary Parker, Nov.1981, Origin of Mankind, ICR

[3] Frank Sherwin, Apr.2017, Lucy Languishes as a Human-Ape Link, ICR

[4] Creation Museum photo, 2016, from the The Creation Club

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