Christ knew His hour had come, He knew who His elect were, and He taught them an important lesson by washing their feet, as we see in John 13:1-17.
To whom or what can we compare God? The Trinity is a great mystery, but the Scriptures do give us some insight on the plurality of God.
We must keep our hearts with all diligence, guarding ourselves against any thing which would draw us away from God, as we see in Jude 1:20-21.
How do we understand the Trinity as consisting of three persons yet one?
If you knew Christians in another city were about to experience a terrible earthquake, what kind of letter would you write to them? Instead of telling the church at Colosse to store up or prepare, the book of Colossians declares, defends, and demonstrates the pre-eminence of God.
How can God be righteous in condemning the wicked and still be a loving God? We examine how to reconcile God's righteousness and love.
We must search the Scriptures because it is there we find Christ and it is from there we are fed, as we see in John 5:39-47.
In our study of the attributes of God, we examine the goodness and wisdom of God.
This very old, very sure, and very inclusive prophecy found in Jude 1:14-15 declares that the Lord is coming to judge the ungodly.
God is entirely true and His holiness is positional and ethical.
The Israelites mistakenly thought Egypt with their strong horses could deliver them from the Assyrians. Do we ever turn to the elements of this world for defense, instead of trusting in the Almighty Jehovah?
God's will is different from man's will which is hindered by his ability. But what God wills, He does, whether that be in the creation of the universe or the regeneration of souls.
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