Our Church
Mission Bible Church
Mission Bible Church worships corporately at a house church in Derwood, Maryland. We are not ashamed to be called "Bible-believing fundamentalists" who are reverent in worship without being overly formal. We hold to the doctrines of grace, and are conservative in worship, using psalms, hymns and spiritual songs accompanied by piano. We believe the Holy Scriptures are the inspired, infallible, and inerrant Word of God, and providentially preserved in the Textus Receptus. We hold to a literal six-day creation, and teach this in our Sunday Schools. Our common use of the KJV Bible allows for congregational responsive reading from the same book. Most of our members have conservative Fundamental, Presbyterian or Reformed backgrounds.
We enjoy fellowship luncheons nearly every week. Small children enjoy the basement area with toys, or the spacious backyard with a swingset and plenty of fenced-in room to run.
Our Policies
Our COVID policy can be found on our Services > In-Person page.
Our Music policy is summarized at Articles > Staff's ROD #21, and in more detail here.
Our Privacy policy can be found here.
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