2 Corinthians 6:14 declares "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers..." In this message, we examine five rhetorical questions that illustrate the folly of an unequal yoke, and five promises to those who reject an unequal yoke.
We dig deep into the differences between Abel and his offering, and Cain and his, and the New Testament picture it presents.
Christ is the rock behind which we can hide from the winds of wrath, the tempests of live, and current of the world, as we see from Isaiah 32:1-4.
Our incredible universe was formed and framed by the invisible word of God.
Much like how water poured into dry concrete mix will tranform it into a strong structure, so when the Holy Spirit is poured upon believers they are transformed into a steadfast member of the house of God.
How does the Bible define faith, and how does it differ from hope?
Believers need not fear the devil, but we must be aware of his tactics, as we see from 1 Peter 5:8-11.
The righteous demonstrate by their lifestyle that they have faith in the promises of God.
Revelation 21:9-11 gives us a look at the glorious ceremony between the Lamb and His bride, and the bright future that awaits her.
The parting of one's goods for the relief of believers in distress is a demonstrable act of faith, hope, love, obedience to God, and is a investment with heavenly returns.
We remember the Lord's benefits from Psalm 103, namely: we're family, we're forgiven, He is familiar with us, He is facilitating, and He has a marvelous fate for us.
Hebrews encourages us to remember our former days, and then what it was like when God brought illumination to the soul.
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