Learn how reading the scriptures through the lens of Christ changes life of the believer from 2 Corinthians 3:3-18.
Meditate on what it means to not neglect the great salvation we have in Christ from Hebrews 2:3.
Jesus gives two examples of good prayer and two examples of bad prayer in Matthew 6:5-13.
Hebrews 2:1-3a attaches great importance to giving earnest heed to the word of God.
What lessons can be learned from studying the ravens mentioned throughout Scriptures?
Angels function in a similar role to deacons in the church.
We sometimes lose perspective of how great our God is. He is the limitless Creator of the universe, as Isaiah 40 declares.
Have you ever thought about the incredible variety and design of feet? Dr. Jobe Martin provides a fascinating look into how feet bring glory to their Creator.
When Christ makes all things new, it is not merely made better, but rather it's made far superior to what it ever was, as we see in Matthew 26:26-29 and Revelation 21:1-8.
We can have great hope in the eternal Son of God.
King David's plea for God to "build the walls of Jerusalem" remain relevant to us today in five distinct ways - and it has nothing to do with brick-n-mortar.
Though they be mighty powerful, yet God's only begotten Son is far greater than angels. Here's 4 reasons why. Oh, the Septuagint is no help here.
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